Human Rights Policy

TCC Group Holdings (the "Company" or "TCC") is dedicated to protecting its employees' rights and interests and therefore strictly complies with labor-related laws and regulations applicable in countries where the Company conducts its business, and the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), the International Labor Organization's Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Right, the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, the ILO Convention 169 on Indigenous Peoples, as well as the spirit and fundamentals of human rights embodied in such international human rights treaties, ensuring that Company is not complicit in human rights violations. At TCC, we place the utmost value on human rights in our operations, and we treat all employees, including contract employees and interns, with the same dignity and respect.

This Human Rights Policy applies to the Company and its subsidiaries, joint ventures, other affiliates having any substantial controlling or subordinate relationship with the Company in Taiwan or overseas as well as suppliers and business partners. To protect human rights, we adhere to the following principles:

Diversity, Inclusion and Equity of Work in the Workplace

Diversity, Inclusion and Equity of Work in the Workplace:
  • Full compliance with all applicable labor-related laws and regulations. Strict prohibition of child labor, human trafficking, forced labor and employment discrimination. Commitment to creating a diverse, open, equal and harassment-free work environment.
  • Zero tolerance on any differential treatment or any forms of discrimination in respect of an employee's gender (including sexual orientation), race, social status, age, marital status, language, belief, religion, political affiliation, place of origin, place of birth, appearance, facial features, and mental or physical disabilities.
  • Effective protection of labor rights and maintenance of a friendly and harmonious labor-management relationship. Ensuring the fairness and equality in employee recruitment, remuneration, training, performance review and promotion. Establishment of an efficient and appropriate grievance mechanism to prevent and address any issues that could harm the rights and interests of the employees.
  • Ensure fair employment opportunities and labor rights for local community residents, indigenous peoples, women, migrant workers, contract personnel, disabled individuals, and vulnerable groups.
Safe and Healthy Work Environment

Safe and Healthy Work Environment
  • Providing employees with a safe and healthy work environment and the necessary sanitary and emergency-response facilities. Striving to eliminate all hazardous factors that pose threats to employees' safety and health in order to minimize the risks of occupational injuries.
  • Taking the initiative to identify and address issues of excessive workloads to reduce overtime work, and conducting regular training on occupational safety.
  • Following the Human Rights-Based Approach principle and the Human Rights to Water and Sanitation spirit, providing sufficient, safe, acceptable, physically accessible, and affordable water for personal and domestic use.
Respecting Employees' Freedom of Association

Respecting Employees' Freedom of Association
Respecting employees' fundamental human rights; in particular, safeguarding the rights to organize unions and collective bargaining, and providing diverse channels and platforms of communication to ensure a harmonious and mutually beneficial labor relations.
Assisting Employees to Maintain Mental and Physical Health as well as Work-Life Balance
Assisting Employees to Maintain Mental and Physical Health as well as Work-Life Balance
Promoting employees' mental and physical health by offering regular and free health check-ups, organizing health management seminars, holding family and leisure activities, providing stress-relief and massage facilities, and arranging a wide variety of events on topics such as arts, sports, or otherwise that encourage the participation and interaction of the employees and their families, and establishing various interest-based clubs and circles to facilitate networking among employees so as to reach the goal of work-life balance and to allow employees to build a sound mind and healthy physique.
Valuing Stakeholders' Needs

Valuing Stakeholders' Needs
  • Paying attention to stakeholders' needs, regularly review and assess human rights-related risks, impacts, and mitigation measures, and continuously disclose the implementation results of the human rights policy in an open and transparent manner to stakeholders.
  • Providing diverse and effective communication channels, allowing stakeholders to provide feedback or report suspected violations. Following the Whistleblower Protection System, adhering to the principles of Free, Prior, and Informed Consent (FPIC), protecting whistleblowers from illegal harm, ensuring the legal rights of whistleblowers and related individuals, including providing appropriate compensation and avoiding forced eviction for stakeholders who need to be relocated due to whistleblowing activities.

  • Grievance Hotline:

    Grievance Fax:

    Internal System Platform:
    Taiwan Cement Corporation Official Website, Internal System, Employee Feedback Platform
Personal Data Protection

Personal Data Protection
Complying with relevant laws on personal data protection, ensuring that the collection, processing, and use of personal data are in accordance with legal regulations, and safeguarding and protecting personal data rights.

Taiwan Cement Human Rights Policy is implemented upon approval by the Board of Directors, and the same applies to amendments.

Taiwan Cement Human Rights Policy is also publicly disclosed in the company's ESG section and related reports.

Signature of TCC Chairman