
TCC Group Holdings, guided by a "people-oriented" philosophy, considers all employees as part of a "family" where mutual care and shared prosperity are paramount. The company strictly prohibits child labor, human trafficking, and forced labor, adhering to all relevant wage and hour regulations to ensure fair and timely payment of living wages. Additionally, we provide a safe and health-promoting work environment, supporting employees in maintaining good physical and mental health as well as achieving work-life balance.

Management Approach
  • Incorporating important policies such as the "Human Rights Policy" into annual mandatory education and training courses
  • Establishing "Anti-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy" to ensure that employees understand how to prevent and address unlawful acts in the workplace
  • Implementing online platform for employee well-being, an e-mail for employee feedback, and dedicated procedures and channels for preventing and addressing workplace discrimination and harassment
  • Conducting quarterly labor-management meetings or union meetings
  • Review of all management policies and pertinent legal records throughout the due diligence phase of mergers and acquisitions to ensure strict adherence to human rights laws and regulations, preventing any violations

  • 94.7% online reading rate of key policies among employees in 2023; total training hours amounted to approximately 1,886.5 hours cumulatively
  • 100% coverage of labor-management agreements
  • In 2023, the average employee engagement score from the engagement survey was 4.648 out of 5
  • Human capital ROI (HC ROI)
    2020 2021 2022 2023
    Total Revenue (Thousand NTD) 105,911,223 107,041,452 113,929,706 109,314,335
    Total Operating Expenses (Thousand NTD) 5,766,267 6,863,624 8,973,011 10,503,609
    Total employee-related expenses (salaries + benefits) (Thousand NTD) 7,215,173 8,668,722 9,848,683 10,679,971
    HC ROI 14.9 12.6 11.7 10.3

Human Rights and Environmental Due Diligence

Investigation Target
Rightsholders Scope
Year 2023: 100% operational sites (including Taiwan, Mainland China, subsidiaries, affiliated enterprises) and joint ventures
Year 2024: Introducing CSDDD, TCC Headquarters, Suao Cement Plant, Hoping Cement Plant, Taiwan RMC Plants & business relationships (e.g. new business relations like joint ventures/acquisitions)
Supplier (Contractors included)
Year 2023: Through sustainability self-evaluation questionnaire, as well as written or on-site reviews, the implementation of supplier human rights protections is examined. It is announced at the Supplier Convention that a human rights due diligence investigation will be initiated in the following year
Year 2024: Expanded to contractors in Taiwan
Community Communities near cement plants and RMC plants in Taiwan
Indigenous Peoples Tribes near cement plants in Taiwan
Customers Customers in Taiwan

Human Rights and Environmental Due Diligence Process
Step 1 Identify Issue
|Collect various human rights and environmental issues that may affect different rightsholders
|This due diligence references guidelines and conventions from the United Nations, EU, OECD, and the International Labor Organization to compile relevant issues
Step 2 Assess Risk
|Consult rightsholders to assess the risks to human rights and environmental matters. To effectively assess risk, prioritize the most significant risks based on their severity and likelihood
|The rightsholders consulted in this due diligence include their employees, surrounding community residents, indigenous peoples, customers, etc
Step 3 Prevention and Mitigation
|Cease adverse impacts and prevent potential adverse impacts. If adverse impacts persist, despite prevention measures, further mitigation is required
Step 4 Regular Track
|Periodically evaluate the effectiveness of measures to prevent or mitigate adverse impacts
Step 5 Communication and Disclosure
|Communicate with rightsholders and disclose all relevant information
Step 6 Remediation Mechanism
|Provide remedial measures for any adverse impacts that have occurred
|Establish a company grievance mechanism

Questionnaire Collection Status
Rightsholders Questionnaire Collection Status
Since this is the first execution of human rights and environmental due diligence, and employees are vital rightsholders, the census method was used for the questionnaire distribution. The effective response rate was 94%
Community The effective response rate was 84%
Indigenous Peoples The effective response rate was 86%
Customers The effective response rate was 81%
Suppliers The effective response rate was 96%


According to the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Business Conduct, gender factors must be incorporated into due diligence, as women may face different potential or actual human rights impacts compared to men. Therefore, the risk ranking of key issues for employees will be analyzed separately for all employees and female employees

After analyzing the human rights and environmental risks for all employees, the key issues identified include whistleblower protection, training and education, bullying and harassment, collective bargaining, working hours, occupational safety and health, equal remuneration, wage and benefits, and forced labor/human trafficking

Female Employees
Female Employees

The analysis of human rights and environmental risks for female employees showed that key issues are generally similar to those for all employees. The difference is that female employees considered bullying and harassment as significant issues due to their severity when they occur. Additionally, privacy rights and discrimination are also important human rights issues for female employees


The analysis of human rights and environmental issues for the community residents highlighted that they prioritize environmental issues, including environmental degradation, waste management, land use, water resources, biodiversity, and climate change

Indigenous Peoples
Indigenous Peoples

The analysis of human rights and environmental issues for indigenous peoples identified key issues including indigenous rights, biodiversity, environmental degradation, waste management, land use, water resources, and climate change


The analysis of human rights and environmental issues for customers shows that key issues include fair trade/information disclosure and climate change


The analysis of human rights and environmental issues for suppliers identifies key risk issues, including occupational health and safety, bullying and harassment, climate change, working hours, environmental degradation/ waste/land use

Prevention/Mitigation of Key Human Rights and Environmental Issues and Remedial Measures for Existing Impacts

Summary of Prevention/Mitigation/Remediation Measures
Rightsholders Issue Prevention/Mitigation/Remediation Measures
Employees Whistleblower Protection Prevention TCC provides employees with various channels to express their opinions. A dedicated committee, following the "TCC Group Employee Opinion Complaint and Handling Guidelines" and the "Anti-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy," takes appropriate protective measures to safeguard the personal information and privacy of whistleblowers or complainants
Worker Training and Education Prevention
  • TCC develops worker training and education projects such as Employee Development Programs and TCC Carbon Academy
  • For more details, please refer to pages 133-139 of the 2023 TCC Sustainability Report
Occupational Health and Safety Remediation
In 2023, TCC reported 13 minor work-related injuries in Taiwan and Mainland China.
  • Investigations led to enhanced inspections at high-risk sites, more frequent plant inspections, and additional education and training to prevent future incidents and aim for "zero work-related injuries
Hazard Identification& Risk Assessment
  • Step 1: Identify all hazardous sources
  • Step 2: Identify hazards and consequences
  • Step 3: Confirm existing protective measures
  • Step 4: Access hazard risks and conduct risk classification and management
  • Step 5: Implement control measures to reduce risks
  • Step 6: Confirm the remaining risk after applying control measures
For more details, please refer to pages 145-146 of the 2023 TCC Sustainability Report
Collective Bargaining Prevention
  • TCC holds labor-management meetings/union meetings with representatives and unions every quarter to exchange opinions on various issues and conduct thorough communication
  • Each plant has established union organizations, maintaining good interactive communication with the stance of integrity, openness, and respect. Collective agreements are signed based on principles of mutual trust and benefit, ensuring adherence
  • To protect the rights and interests of employees, the content of collective agreements or work rules applies to all employees. Employees are not treated differently based on any conditions or willingness to join the union. The Company ensures the freedom of employees to participate in assembly and association with a fair, just, and respectful approach
Working Hours Remediation
Labor working hours violations in Taiwan: 1 case
  • Strengthen training for employees to acquire the professional skills they need, emphasize the importance of physical and mental health, and enhance the immediacy of supervisors' concern and assistance in management and supervision. Additionally, pay attention to ensuring reasonable working hours for employees
  • Implement overtime control and tracking mechanisms, and establish an overtime warning system. The TCC operations headquarters turns off the lights at 9:30 PM daily to reduce the possibility of excessive work hours
  • Prevent working hours risks at the source through manpower and resource allocation mechanisms, enhanced employee professional skills training, and management and supervision mechanisms
Wage and Benefits Prevention
  • TCC develops wage and benefits projects such as Treasury Shares Program, Employee Savings Mutual Fund and Employee Stock Option Program
  • For more details, please refer to pages 140-141 of the 2023 TCC Sustainability Report
Forced Labor Human Trafficking Prevention Annual human rights protection training
Female Employees Bullying and Harassment Prevention
  • Implement Anti-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy
  • "Anti-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy" are included in TCC's annual mandatory training
  • Include sexual harassment prevention in new recruit orientation
  • Specific grievance channels for discrimination and harassment prevention ensure employees' well-being and a harmonious work environment
Equal remuneration Prevention TCC Group Holdings adheres to the principle of sharing operational performance and has formulated a compensation policy where employee salaries are determined based on their performance, job responsibilities, and other comprehensive factors. Discrimination based on personal characteristics such as gender (including sexual orientation), race, class, age, marital status, language, ideology, religion, political affiliation, birthplace, appearance, facial features, or disabilities is strictly prohibited
Community Water resource Prevention
  • TCC cement plants and RMC plants in Taiwan and Mainland China have 100% ISO 14046 certification, with Taiwan's plants also certified to ISO 46001. In May 2024, Hoping Plant (Hualien) and Suao Plant (Yilan) received the highest Platinum level from the Alliance for Water Stewardship (AWS) after thorough evaluation
  • TCC is enhancing water efficiency by constructing recycling systems, optimizing pipelines and equipment, and installing water-saving devices. The future water supply was assessed based on the WRI’s Aqueduct Water Risk Atlas
  • For more details about water resources, please refer to pages 74-75 of the 2023 TCC Sustainability Report
Waste Remediation
Waste Disposal Act violations in Taiwan: 1 case
  • The penalty was issued due to incorrect waste reporting data. To prevent similar incidents in the future, the waste reporting process has been improved
  • TCC DAKA Renewable Resource Recycling Center (RRRC) to process Hualien's domestic waste. As Taiwan's first to use cement kilns for local waste co-processing, the RRRC possess a daily capacity of 200 metric tons
  • For more details about resource recycling, please refer to pages 74-75 of the 2023 Taiwan Cement Sustainability Report
Environmental Degradation Prevention
  • TCC Nature Action is based on the frameworks and methodologies of TNFD, SBTN, and WBCSD, and conducts assessments in accordance with the SBTN Company Guidance for Nature Positive
  • TCC is engaged in indigenous species ecosystem restoration projects and soil research programs in its mines
  • For more details, please refer to pages 112-130 of the 2023 TCC Sustainability Report and the Nature & Biodiversity Report-TNFD Pilot Program
Land Use
Climate Change Prevention
  • TCC unveiled the new " Net Zero Pathways for Cement and Concrete Business Units Worldwide"
  • TCC aims to revise its 2030 SBT to meet the 1.5°C target by 2024
  • Concurrently, TCC will commit to 2050 net-zero goals and join the SBTi validation pilot, ensuring consistent carbon reduction monitoring
  • For more details, please refer to pages 63-88 of the 2023 TCC Sustainability Report and the TCFD Report
Indigenous Peoples Indigenous Peoples Prevention
  • TCC established the Hoping Sustainability Charity Foundation to offer sustainable support to the tribe. The foundation operates on a tribal consensus model
  • led by the village leader and three tribal chairs. Additionally, the Hoping Emergency Relief Fund was created to ease financial hardships of the needs
  • TCC DAKA Open Eco-Factory (TCC DAKA) enhances industry-society dialogue. Since its 2020 launch as a non-profit, regular contribution from the month surpluses of 7-ELEVEN Lienhe Store and Starbucks are directed to the Hoping Sustainability Charity Foundation. Additionally, income from DAKA Eco-Tour Itinerary and DAKA Market stall fees finance the Hoping Environmental Education Project
  • TCC DAKA launched the Home Repair Service Center, employing two locals and suppliers' staff as electricians and engineers, with the Hoping Plant supplying basic parts for free
  • Since 2022, the Hoping Village Care Bus, equipped with an automatic lift, has facilitated access for individuals with disabilities. The bus transports Heping villagers to and from downtown Hualien for business, medical needs, and grocery shopping
  • For more details, please refer to pages 150-154 of the 2023 TCC Sustainability Report
Customers Fair Trade / Information Disclosure Remediation
Anti-competition or anti-trust: 1 case(Legal remedies filed)
  • The "Code of Fair Trade and Anti-trust Compliance" has been formulated
  • In employee education and training, this case serves as a teaching material to remind employees of being vigilant in discussing sensitive information with competitors and refusing to attend occasions involving any of the above. How to report and keep evidence while clients demanding the same price is emphasized to protect the Company’s interests
  • For more details, please refer to pages 54-55 of the 2023 TCC Sustainability Report
Suppliers (Migrant workers) Occupational Health and Safety Prevention
  • Suppliers are required to sign the Supplier Code of Conduct. With the aim to ensure the work safety, the protection of the environment, and the dignity of the employees (including the contractors) on the entire supply chain and the manufacturing process, as well as the compliance with the laws and regulations relating to occupational safety and health and the signing of the Letter of Undertaking of Health, Safety and Environment
  • For more details, please refer to pages 56-58 of the 2023 TCC Sustainability Report
Bullying and Harassment
Climate Change
Working Hours
Environmental Degradation / Waste / Land Use

Employee Engagement Survey

  • Purpose
    To encourage employees' active engagement and support for TCC Group Holdings' sustainable mission of "Serving Life." Each year, TCC Group Holdings conducts an employee engagement survey in questionnaire form to listen to employees' perspectives across various aspects
  • Method
    Regular administration of an engagement survey questionnaire focusing on 4 dimensions: "Organizational Identity," "Work Environment," "Career Development," and "Work Relationships." The survey includes 25 questions designed to understand employees' expectations and actual experiences at work, serving as a benchmark for continuous improvement directions in the future
  • Coverage
    TCC Group Holdings (Taiwan, Mainland China and affiliates included)
  • Results
    Coverage Ratio: In 2023, the number of employees surveyed reached 7,559, with a coverage rate of 97% in Taiwan (affiliates included) and 94.5% in Mainland China
    Company Recognition: In 2023, the engagement score is 4.648 points (out of 5 points). The engagement score of Taiwan (affiliates included) is 4.526 points; the engagement score of Mainland China is 4.670 points
    Job Level Taiwan Mainland China
    General Employees
    (Direct Labor)
    4.52 4.64
    General Employees
    (Indirect Labor)
    4.44 4.72
    Low-level Managers 4.60 4.83
    Mid-to-senior-level Managers 4.76
    Seniority Taiwan Mainland China
    Less than 3 Years 4.49 4.64
    3-0 Years 4.68 4.66
    More than 10 Years 4.61 4.70
    Retention Rate: In 2023, the retention rate was 69.31% (Retention Rate = 1-Turnover Rate) Taiwan: 90.92%; Mainland China: 64.49%
    Major economies around the world are facing inflation, and Mainland China is experiencing severe structural changes. The total profit of the cement industry has reached its lowest point in 16 years, and the profit margin of sales is far below the average level of industrial enterprises. Therefore, there is a necessity for manpower adjustment. TCC Group Holdings adopts a diversified approach to maximize employment needs for its employees. This includes encouraging taking leave as a priority, entrusting some cement plants to peers in the form of management to leverage market synergies, or providing applications for second skill training for job transfers, cross-regional or cross-industry reassignments, etc. Only when it's absolutely necessary to reduce the significant financial impact on operations will corresponding manpower reductions be made to maintain the basic survival of the enterprise.
    Employee Turnover Rate
    Cement Business|Taiwan and Mainland China 2020 2021 2022 2023
    Total employee turnover rate 6.3% 8.1% 5.9% 30.69%
    Voluntary employee turnover rate 3.7% 4.6% 3.6% 6.68%

Gender-friendly Workplace

Targets: By 2025 Share of Women in
Total Workforce Total Workforce 22%
All Management Positions All Management Positions 30%
Junior Management Positions Junior Management Positions 28%
Top Management Positions Top Management Positions 25%
Management Positions in Revenue-Generating Functions Management Positions in Revenue-Generating Functions 5%
STEM-Related Positions STEM-Related Positions 38%

Women Engineers (NHΩA)
By 2025
Women Engineers

Performance in 2023
Total Workforce Total Workforce 23.7%
All Management Positions All Management Positions 18.9%
Junior Management Positions Junior Management Positions 18.9%
Top Management Positions Top Management Positions 16.2%
Management Positions in Revenue-Generating Functions Management Positions in Revenue-Generating Functions 21.6%
STEM-Related Positions STEM-Related Positions 20.6%

Established a Three-year Scholarship for female students in STEM with the Polytechnic University of Milan
Established a Three-year Scholarship for female students in STEM with the Polytechnic University of Milan

Diversified Workplace

TCC International Employees: 5.42%
Come from 47countries

    TCC International Employees: 5.42%, Come from 47countries

TCC (Taiwan): Share of Employees with Disabilities
Share of Employees with Disabilities in Taiwan is 1.1% in 2019. Share of Employees with Disabilities in Taiwan is 1.5% in 2020. Share of Employees with Disabilities in Taiwan is 1.7% in 2021. Share of Employees with Disabilities in Taiwan is 1.5% in 2022. Share of Employees with Disabilities in Taiwan is 1.8% in 2023.
TCC (Taiwan + Mainland China): Share of Employees of Indigenous Origin
Share of Employees of Indigenous Origin is 15% in Taiwan and Mainland China.

Share of employees of indigenous origin in total workforce (Taiwan): 7.3% from Truku, 2.7% from Amis, 1.7% from Atayal, 0.5% from other indigenous people; in all management positions: 0.4% from Truku, 0.8% from Amis

Share of employees of indigenous origin in total workforce (Mainland China): 6% from Zhunag, 5.2% from Miao, 2.1% from Dong, 2.2% from other indigenous people; in all management positions: 3% from Zhunag, 2% from Miao, 2% from other indigenous people

Note Formula: Number of Employees of Indigenous Origin​ / Total Workforce