
Environmental Management

Management Approach
100% Cement Plants in Taiwan and Mainland China, RMC Plants, operation headquarters have obtained ISO 14001 and ISO 50001 Certification
TCC is committed to reducing the environmental impact caused by its product manufacturing processes. TCC has established an Environmental Protection Policy , which has been approved by the Board of Directors and signed by the Chairman. For all TCC Group’s operational sites and production plants, environmental impact assessments have been conducted, and environmental performance has been improved. The management scope covers energy, water, and waste, etc. It also requires suppliers, contractors, subcontractors, joint ventures, and other business partners to effectively manage environmental impacts during the production, manufacturing, transportation, distribution and logistics, and service processes
Review of all management policies and pertinent legal records throughout the due diligence phase of mergers and acquisitions to ensure strict adherence to environmental laws and regulations, preventing any violations
Environment Management Process
Environmental Data Interpretation & Analysis
Introduce international management systems to identify critical energy/water use
  • Energy: The ISO 50001 Energy Management System introduced
  • Waste: Waste management regulations or measures stipulated for respective operation site in accordance with the ISO 14001 Environmental Management System, with data recorded and compiled as required for the working group to interpret and analyze for significant sources
  • Water resources: the ISO 46001 Water Efficiency Management System introduced
Environmental Management Target Setting
Prioritize major operation sites per materiality, and set energy conservation, waste reduction, and water conservation targets per production types
  • Energy: Targets set for cement plants and RMC plants in accordance with the net-zero roadmap, with cement plants joining EP100 to improve energy efficiency; 1% annual energy savings for Headquarters building
  • Waste: Reduction targets for general industrial waste established for cement plants
  • Water Resources: Targets set for water withdrawal intensity, water consumption intensity, and total water withdrawal on cement plants
2025 2030 2050
Waste Cement Plant & RMC Plant
Base: General Waste
Water Resources Water Withdrawal of Cement Plant -0.5%/year
Water-Stressed Areas: -1.2%/year
Fresh Water Withdrawal Intensity of Concrete of RMC Plant
Base: Municipal water & Groundwater in 2023
Unit: Liter/m3
-0.5% -1.5% -3.5%
Action Plan Stipulation
  • Energy:
    ✔︎ Actions to reduce the amount of energy use: Energy-saving plans executed on plants, including air compressor system retrofit, motor replacement, etc.; please refer to CH 6.1 in the 2023 Sustainability Report for details 2023
    ✔︎ Use of clean or renewable energy: Self-generated renewable energy for self-consumption actively installed at all operation sites, and integrated photovoltaic and energy storage equipment introduced on operation sites to improve energy use efficiency
    ✔︎ Investments in innovation or R&D to decrease energy consumption: The technology and efficiency of power generation by waste heat recovery optimized
    ✔︎ Evaluation of progress in reducing energy consumption: Energy consumption performance of operation sites verified through ISO 14064-1 yearly, and ISO 50001 Energy Management System certification renewed regularly to verify the effectiveness of energy-saving plans

  • Waste:
    ✔︎ Action plans to reduce waste generation: 100% conversion of general and industrial waste into renewable energy and resources on cement plants, with 100% zero waste to landfill at TCC plants. TCC is currently seeking UL 2799 verification
    ✔︎ Integration of recycling programs to reduce the waste sent to landfill: Recycling of domestic waste implemented at all operation sites, with valuable metals generated from equipment replacement commissioned to qualified external vendors for treatment and reuse
    ✔︎ Investment in innovation or R&D to minimize waste: Food waste recycling technologies invested by the Yingde Plant and the Hoping Plant

  • Water Resources:
    ✔︎ Actions to reduce water consumption: Water conservation projects executed on plants, including effluent reclamation from power generation by waste heat recovery and reuse of rainwater runoff from the mine; please refer to CH 6.1 in the 2023 Sustainability Report for details
    ✔︎ Actions to improve wastewater quality: Multiple water prevention and pollution control measures in force on plants, including centralized treatment facilities and silting basins to ensure compliance with the Effluent Standards of the Ministry of Environment, internal testing carried out regularly, with the competent authority to collect samples at outfalls, to ensure that the discharged wastewater does not cause irreversible harm to water bodies, ecosystems, and human health
    ✔︎ Application of water recycling: Active installation of rainwater harvesting systems, installation of MBR system at the Hoping Plant for domestic sewage recycling, and 100% zero wastewater discharge and recycling implemented at RMC plants
Employee Capacity Building
Environmental education and training for employees are delivered through international management system certification courses, TCC Lyceum, new employee orientation, and Town Hall Meeting, with topics covering energy efficiency, water efficiency, waste reduction, among others, which shall be extended to the TCC Carbon Academy to raise employees’ sustainability awareness and enhance environmental management intensity

Return on Environmental Investments (Taiwan & Mainland China|Unit: NTD)
2020 2021 2022 2023
Total Expenses
(= Capital Investment + Operating Expenses)
1,981,095,054 2,630,962,654 1,868,086,092 1,458,387,320

ISO 14001
ISO 50001

Air Pollution Control

TCC strictly controls process air emissions to ensure compliance with government emission standards and to reduce environmental impact
The cement plants have undergone environmental protection equipment upgrades, resulting in a year-on-year decrease in pollutant emissions

2025 2030 2050
Air Pollution Control
Base year 2023
Taiwan & Mainland China
Unit: g/t clinker
NOx 380 370 BACT min
SOx 40 39 BACT min
TSP 21 20 BACT min
Taiwan & Mainland China (Co-processing)
Unit: metric tons
Mercury 0.192 0.187 BACT min

Air Emissions Way Below Regulation Standards
In 2023, the emission level of NOx is 196PPM in Taiwan, 44% lower than government standard (350PPM). In 2023, the emission level of SOx is 8PPM in Taiwan, 92% lower than government standard (100PPM). In 2023, the emission level of TSP is 5mg/m3 in Taiwan, 92% lower than government standard (25mg/m3). In 2023, the emission level of Dioxin is 0.013ng-TEQ/Nm3 in Taiwan, 97% lower than government standard (0.5ng-TEQ/Nm3 ).
In 2023, the emission level of NOx is 114PPM in Mainland China, 72% lower than government standard (400PPM). In 2023, the emission level of SOx is 15PPM in Mainland China, 93% lower than government standard (200PPM). In 2023, the emission level of TSP is 4mg/m3 in Taiwan, 99% lower than government standard (30mg/m3). In 2023, the emission level of Dioxin is 0.036ng-TEQ/Nm3 in Taiwan, 64% lower than government standard (0.1ng-TEQ/Nm3 ).

Air Emissions Intensity


2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
NOx 21,361 18,253 16,381 13,364 9,976
SOx 1,171 1,399 1,110 1,161 1,059
TSP 1,356 1,076 783 475 570
Emission Intensity
(tons/USD million sales)
NOx 5.38 4.72 4.29 3.57 2.84
SOx 0.29 0.36 0.29 0.30 0.30
TSP 0.34 0.28 0.20 0.12 0.16
*Due to the use of alternative fuels, kiln conditions have fluctuated, resulting in an increase in TSP.