
Waste Management

Management Approaches
In accordance with ISO 14001 certification, waste management regulations are established at each operation location
All waste from TCC's plants is non-hazardous, and is treated in a non-harmful manner in accordance with regulations
Investment in innovation or R&D to minimize waste

Achieve the "Zero Waste" goal of minimizing waste generation and maximizing resource recovery and reuse
Cement plants set a goal in 2024 to achieve 100% conversion of waste into renewable resources, striving for "innocuous treatment and resource utilization" practices

Treatment Process
General/Industrial waste: Recycled through the treatment with the high temperature in the rotary kiln process an reuse/Treated by certified vendors
Valuable industrial wastes: Recovered by qualified third-party clearing agencies
Investment in food waste treatment in Yingde Plant and Hoping Plant over 27.99 million from 2020 to 2023

Waste Disposal | Unit: metric tons
2020 2021 2022 2023
Total waste recycled/reused 3,338.61 3,881.23 9,673.86 7,811.95
Total waste disposed 9,231.89 13,843.49 11,565.38 9,397.22
- Waste landfilled 0 0 0 0
- Waste incinerated with energy recovery 0 0 0 0
- Waste incinerated without energy recovery 875.78 1,091.74 212.71 1,686.68
- Waste sent to recycle/reuse 8,356.11 12,751.75 11,352.67 7,710.54

Material Efficiency

Using high temperature, high retention time, high turbulence of the cement kiln used to process and treat industrial waste to achieve a circular economy

Share of Industrial Waste TCC Treated
Industry 2022 Waste Treatment Volume (Metric Tons) Share (%)
Power 665,630.27 57.60%
Construction 201,379.58 17.43%
Steel 151,345.57 13.10%
Environmental Service 94,083.66 8.14%
Semiconductor 18,268.94 1.58%
Paper 8,019.72 0.69%
Chemical Textile 5,279.67 0.46%
Waste Incinerator 5,210.67 0.45%
Self-processed 4,667.69 0.40%
Metal Industry 932.66 0.08%
Water Treatment Plant 643.28 0.06%
Semiconductor Assembly 222 0.02%
Total 1,155,683 100%

Industry 2022 Waste Treatment Volume (Metric Tons) Share (%)
Power 2,549,470 45.27%
Steel 694,716 12.34%
Coal 676,310 12.01%
Mining 73,128 1.30%
Environmental Service 500,478 8.89%
Construction 388,528 6.90%
Chemical 166,644 2.07%
Metal Industry 516,470 9.17%
Paper 83,520 1.48%
Tire 11,927 0.21%
Semiconductor 20,518 0.36%
Total 5,631,708 100%

Consumption of Raw Materials
Unit: metric ton
Non-recycled Raw Materials Recycled Raw Materials Total Amount of Raw Materials Percentage of Recycled Raw Materials (Recycled Raw Materials /
Total Amount of Raw Materials)
2018 6,623,452 1,741,470 8,364,922 20.82%
2019 6,783,203 1,973,542 8,756,745 22.54%
2020 8,057,356 2,022,504 10,079,860 20.06%
2021 7,493,992 2,138,492 9,632,484 22.20%
2022 6,783,513 2,110,219 8,893,732 23.73%
2023 5,862,906 1,523,551 7,386,457 20.6%

Unit: metric ton
Non-recycled Raw Materials Recycled Raw Materials Total Amount of Raw Materials Percentage of Recycled Raw Materials (Recycled Raw Materials /
Total Amount of Raw Materials)
2013 34,311,825 5,046,178 39,358,003 12.8%

Water Management

TCC has established Water Management Commitment , committed to pursuing sustainable water resource utilization, enhancing water resource management, and improving water efficiency. Pledged to reduce water withdrawal and consumption, comply with relevant regulatory standards, rigorously monitor the quality of discharged water to prevent harm to ecosystems, water bodies, and human health due to wastewater, and ensure that employees and local residents have access to clean water

Management Approaches
100% Cement Plants in Taiwan & Mainland China and RMC Plants obtain ISO14046 Certification
100% Cement Plants in Taiwan and RMC Plants obtain ISO46001 Certification
Since 2022, the cement plant has implemented a water footprint management platform to monitor water supply, water usage, water recycling, and discharge, thereby enhancing water management efforts
In water-stressed regions, TCC assess future water availability based on the WRI Aqueduct Water Risk Atlas
ISO 14046 ISO 46001
The world's first cement industry to obtain ISO 14046 and ISO 46001 Certification
Hualien Hoping Plant & Yilan Suao Plant both obtain Alliance for Water Stewardship (AWS) standards Platinum Certification
2020-2023 Zero Business Impact of Water Related Incidents
100% No wastewater discharge in RMC Plants
The cement plant has implemented multiple water pollution prevention measures to ensure that wastewater is discharged only after meeting effluent standards

Unit: megaliter/metric ton of cementitious materials
Taiwan & Mainland China (weighted average) | Cement Plants’ Water Consumption Intensity achieves 0.000233 by 2025; 0.000225 by 2030; 0.000220 by 2050
Taiwan | Cement Plants’ Water Withdraw Intensity -50% by 2030 compared to base year 2016
Mainland China | Cement Plants’ Water Withdraw Intensity -30% by 2030 compared to base year 2016

Water withdrawal intensity in Taiwan in 2016 is 0.000476 million liters/metric ton of cementitious materials. Water withdrawal intensity in Taiwan in 2019 is 0.000381 million liters/metric ton of cementitious materials. Water withdrawal intensity in Taiwan in 2020 is 0.000364 million liters/metric ton of cementitious materials. Water withdrawal intensity in Taiwan in 2021 is 0.000300 million liters/metric ton of cementitious materials. Water withdrawal intensity in Taiwan in 2022 is 0.000293 million liters/metric ton of cementitious materials. Water withdrawal intensity in Taiwan in 2023 is 0.000307 million liters/metric ton of cementitious materials. 2023 water withdrawal intensity has decreased by 35.5% compared to bae year (2016).
Water withdrawal intensity in Mainland China in 2016 is 0.000350 million liters/metric ton of cementitious materials. Water withdrawal intensity in Mainland China in 2019 is 0.000336 million liters/metric ton of cementitious materials. Water withdrawal intensity in Mainland China in 2020 is 0.000333 million liters/metric ton of cementitious materials. Water withdrawal intensity in Mainland China in 2021 is 0.000324 million liters/metric ton of cementitious materials. Water withdrawal intensity in Mainland China in 2022 is 0.000308 million liters/metric ton of cementitious materials. Water withdrawal intensity in Mainland China in 2023 is 0.000353 million liters/metric ton of cementitious materials.
Note: In 2023, due to the enhancement of dust suppression and control, the addition of desulfurization towers, and vegetation greening, the water withdrawal increased


TCC has established Biodiversity Policy and No-Deforestation Commitment , aiming to achieve No Net Loss (NNL) of nature by 2040. Additionally, TCC is committed to accumulating positive impacts globally through Nature Positive initiatives
100% coverage of Biodiversity Management Plans (BMP) in high biodiversity risk areas
100% TCC-owned mines in Taiwan undergo thorough environmental impact assessments (EIAs)
100% Commitment to the recovery and restoration in mining areas. And quarterly monitoring of environmental impacts in mining areas is conducted

International Initiatives
2024 TCC becomes the only Taiwan large-scale construction materials company that join the TNFD Early Adopter
2024 Nature & Biodiversity Report-TNFD Pilot Program has been endorsed by Business for Nature, representing the construction materials industry join "It's Now for Nature" campaign
2022 Signed on “Call to Action” and “Make It Mandatory” of Business For Nature to call on governments to enact ambitious policies to halt nature losses
2022 Taiwan’s first traditional manufacturer to join TNFD Pilot Program
2022 Partook in the Taiwan Nature Positive Initiative (TNPI) of BSCD-Taiwan and connected with the collaborative networks on nature topics to jointly address biodiversity issues

Biodiversity Risk Assessment
100% Cement Plants and Mines in Taiwan and Mainland China, Hoping Port, and Hoping Power Plant
Operational Activities Number of Sites and Area
Own operations*
Cement Plant in Taiwan: 2 sites|68.32 hectares
Cement Plant in Mainland China: 12 sites|741.54 hectares
Upstream activities
Mines in Taiwan: 2 sites|300.7 hectares
Mines in Mainland China: 19 sites|1,323.35 hectares
Hoping EcoPort: 1 sites|158.8 hectares
Downstream activities
Adjacent areas to own operations Hoping Power Plant: 1 sites|27 hectares
*The 24 sites for RMC Plants and Hong Kong Cement cover a total area of 26.05 hectares. These sites are not located near any natural areas. TCC will evaluate the initiation of biodiversity assessment procedures.

Nature Sensitivity
  • Mainland China|TNFD recommended Biodiversity Impact Assessment Tool
  • Taiwan      |Datasets from Ministry of Interior and Ministry of Agriculture
Biodiversity Risks
  • TNFD recommended ENCORE and TNFD Sector Guidance

Nature Sensitivity
  • Operations in Mainland China|Not in IUCN Categories I-IV protected areas, and no IUCN endangered species or wild animals under Grade-I conservation and Grade-II conservation listed in Wild Animal Conservation Law of the People‘s Republic of China. 11 species of terrestrial wild animals of significant ecological, scientific, or social value1 are potentially distributed in Anshun Mine, none of which is conservation species
  • Operations in Taiwan      |Not in IUCN Categories I-IV protected areas. The nature sensitivity in Mine is high, and please refer to 2023 Sustainability Report for the restoration and monitor projects; the nature sensitivity is low in Cement Plants, Hoping Port, and Hoping Power Plant
  • Two mines (Taibaishan Mine and Hoping Mine) among Taiwan and Mainland China operation sites have high natural sensitivity and have already implemented biodiversity management plans
Biodiversity Risks
TCC periodically identifies biodiversity risks, based on the TNFD LEAP methodology, TNFD Sector Guidance, and applies the ENCORE (Exploring Natural Capital Opportunities, Risks and Exposure) tool jointly developed by the UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC) and the UNEP Financial Initiative (UNEP FI) to screen out the potential dependence and impact on nature of mining, cement plants, power plants, and ports.
Note1: The list of terrestrial wild animals of significant ecological, scientific, or social value is established by the National Forestry and Grassland Administration of China. The new edition published in 2023 includes 1924 species of terrestrial wildlife.

Avoid Reduce Regenerate/Restore Transform
100% TCC-owned quarries have passed environmental impact assessment. TCC formulates Biodiversity policy and avoids mining in protected areas Implement Membrane Bioreactors to reduce wastewater pollution, please refer to TCC Sustainability Report CH2.2 Water Resources Management Prioritize native plants and select species fit for the area to restore the mine, including Hoping Mine Restoration Project and Taibaishan Mine Ecological Restoration Project, please refer to TCC Sustainability Report CH4.2 Forest Restoration Transform the terminated mine into a hiking trail and flood detention park, connecting urban blue-green spaces and providing flood control service, please refer to TCC Sustainability Report CH4.2 Forest Restoration
Set up slope protection mesh to mitigate soil erosion
Remove invasive species, White Popinac, to reduce the ecological threat, please refer to TCC Sustainability Report CH4.4 Nature-based Solutions Install nesting boxes to provide habitats for bird reproduction in mining area Shift to a circular economy, reusing waste as a resources to replace the raw materials/fuels for cement, reducing waste and GHG emissions, please refer to TCC Sustainability Report CH2.3 Resource Recycling
Cement plants boost reclaimed water use, enhance water efficiency and avoid freshwater withdraw, please refer to TCC Sustainability Report CH2.2 Water Resources Management Plant streetlights automatically adjust to sunrise times to minimize light pollution
Silencers are installed on plant equipment to lower noise Applying natural organic compost to enhance soil’s physical and chemical qualities Engage with tribes and local communities, offering economic opportunities, scholarships, emergency funds, and educational support, please refer to TCC Sustainability Report CH5.6 Social Inclusion
Implement vertical shaft system to convey limestone, reducing the GHG emissions, noise, and dust from transportation, please refer to TCC Sustainability Report CH2.2 Air Emissions Management

40,000 taxa of plant DNA stored by 2030
90% of the ratio of indigenous tree species in Hoping and Suao Mine
Increase soil carbon sequestration by 70% by 2035

A total of 756.54 hectares have been mined at operational sites in Taiwan and Mainland China. Of this, 188.96 hectares have been restored and reforested, achieving a recovery rate of 25%
2023 native species preservation ratio is 89%
The survival rate of rehabilitated coral is 80%, with rehabilitation rate approximately 90%
KBCC has conserved 34,646 taxa of plants, a total of 6500 pharmaceutical samples derived from 62 different plant families have been provided
NTHU Molecular Medicine cross-team collaboration, successfully developed a patented new drug for brain nerve regeneration
Climate Resilience|KBCC participated in the Global Seed Vault Project, backing up and preserving Taiwan’s millet
Share of Indigenous Plants. 2019 native species preservation ratio in Taiwan mines is 86%. 2020 native species preservation ratio in Taiwan mines is 86%. 2021 native species preservation ratio in Taiwan mines is 88%. 2022 native species preservation ratio in Taiwan mines is 88.88%. 2023 native species preservation ratio in Taiwan mines is 89%

2019 biodiversity indicator of plant species in Taiwan mines is 1.77. 2020 biodiversity indicator of plant species in Taiwan mines is 1.90. 2021 biodiversity indicator of plant species in Taiwan mines is 2.30. 2022 biodiversity indicator of plant species in Taiwan mines is 2.31. 2023 biodiversity indicator of plant species in Taiwan mines is 1.91
2019 biodiversity indicator of mammal species in Taiwan mines is 1.45. 2020 biodiversity indicator of mammal species in Taiwan mines is 1.72. 2021 biodiversity indicator of mammal species in Taiwan mines is 1.14. 2022 biodiversity indicator of mammal species in Taiwan mines is 1.36. 2023 biodiversity indicator of mammal species in Taiwan mines is 1.54
2019 biodiversity indicator of bird species in Taiwan mines is 3.03. 2020 biodiversity indicator of bird species in Taiwan mines is 2.90. 2021 biodiversity indicator of bird species in Taiwan mines is 2.96. 2022 biodiversity indicator of bird species in Taiwan mines is 3.20. 2023 biodiversity indicator of bird species in Taiwan mines is 3.22
2019 biodiversity indicator of butterfly species in Taiwan mines is 3.30. 2020 biodiversity indicator of butterfly species in Taiwan mines is 3.40. 2021 biodiversity indicator of butterfly species in Taiwan mines is 2.80. 2022 biodiversity indicator of butterfly species in Taiwan mines is 3.65. 2023 biodiversity indicator of butterfly species in Taiwan mines is 3.70
Note:1).All operating sites od TCC Group are not located in ecological conservation or rehabilitation area. 2).Biodiversity indicators exhibit seasonal variations of different species.

Hoping Mine Environmental Monitoring Report
Hoping Mine Environmental Monitoring Report (CH)
Suao Mine Environmental Monitoring Report
Suao Mine Environmental Monitoring Report (CH)
Mine Ecosystem Services Assessment Report
Mine Ecosystem Services Assessment Report (CH)